I've been waiting what feels like forever to share this incredible news with you. Coming this March, we're having a baby!
The journey to get here has been full of emotions. Not many women talk about this in the open, but I want to take a moment to offer hope to women who experience infertility and pregnancy losses. There's a light at the end of the tunnel.
While I'm extremely grateful for this pregnancy, I've hated being pregnant so far. I'm now 22 weeks along— feeling as normal as I can. From feeling nauseous 24/7, sleeping is a struggle (no matter the type of pillow), my body completely changing, and constant back pains. It hasn't been fun. My appetite has been all over the place. The first trimester I ate whatever I could handle and now I'm eating almost normal, most days. Though I crave sweets way more than I ever have before.
We found out the sex at 9 weeks, so I'll let you take a guess as to what it is. 😉
Before I forget: Just in case there's any other expecting mamas out there, here's some clothes that I've been loving. Initially I felt extremely overwhelmed, I ordered a ton but was able to narrow it down to these items.
- Maternity jeans - The inset panel has been life changing earlier in the pregnancy and the full panel now has become my go to as my belly grows. Both are extremely stretchy and comfortable which is key!
- Everyday leggings - I've never worn more comfortable leggings in. my. life. These are super inexpensive for around $30 (they are on sale regularly!) I find these aren't great for workouts but perfect for everyday wear.
- Active leggings - These were my favorite pre-pregnancy and still my favorite.
- Comfy shirts - These are super comfy and flowy, exactly what you need! I bought one in almost every color. I sized up to accommodate the growing belly. Reasonably priced, normally about $20 (they are on sale regularly!)
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